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Optical Illusions

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Here are some weird optical illusions. Click on the illusion to see it full-size.

Do your eyes hurt? These optical illusions aren't really moving. Don't believe me? Print them out! They'll still work!

The following may not look like it, but the green and the blue spirals in this image are actually the same color. If you don't believe me, bring it into a program that can show you the pixel values, hues, and whatever else you have. They're exactly the same!

In this one, stare at the dot in the middle, and move your head back and forth, still staring at the dot. Weird, right?

How many black dots are in this image?

In this following image, all the lines are perfectly straight. Don't believe me? Put a ruler up to the it.

Now this one is similar to the spiral one above. Believe it or not, the color in Checker A is exactly the same as Checker B. You can do the same thing and bring the image into a program that can tell you color, hue, and whatever else you want. You'll see that they're the same.

In this one, if you squint and move your head, the inner box seems to move. It may take a while to see.